Erin Tienda
Training: 1/18/2022- 12/16/2022
Hired: 1/3/2023 Covenant Children Hospital
Hello, my name is Erin Tienda. I recently graduated from Covenant School of Nursing. My mom is a nurse and I have always dreamed of following in her footsteps…
Erin Tienda
Hello, my name is Erin Tienda. I recently graduated from Covenant School of Nursing. My mom is a nurse and I have always dreamed of following in her footsteps, and my dad is a mailman. I also have three sisters. All my life my parents have worked extremely hard to give us as many opportunities as possible. While I was in nursing school I moved out of my parents house and lived with roommates, so that I could be closer to school as well as my job. I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nearly every week to help pay rent and save for school. It was very hard to have to worry about class, studying, and paying my bills. My parents tried to help me out as much as possible, but they were limited because my older sister and both of my younger sisters were both in college as well. This put a lot of pressure and stress on me to help pay for my school. It was a very stressful time when I applied for the WIOA program. I was beyond thrilled and relived when I found out that I had gotten accepted. It was this huge weight lifted off my shoulders and my parents. The program has helped pay for my tuition, help me get uniform in school, and for my job after graduation. They have helped me graduate nursing school with no loans or debt. I could not be more thankful for the program, and my case managers who have helped take care of me through this whole process. I started my job at Covenant and passed the NCLEX this past month. I am currently working in the Pediatric Emergency Room. Without the WIOA program I would be in debt and stressed about juggling school and work. I hope that I am able to help as many people as possible in my nursing career.

Gavino Aguilar
Gavino Aguilar is a former TAA/ WIOA Dislocated worker. He entered into the program on 7/2/2019 after being laid off from Caterpillar Work Tools Inc. …
Gavino Aguilar
Gavino Aguilar is a former TAA/ WIOA Dislocated worker. He entered into the program on 7/2/2019 after being laid off from Caterpillar Work Tools Inc. (Waco, TX). Gavino had been employed there as a production worker for approximately 4 ½ years. His educational experience started at Ozark Community College in Springfield, MO in the field of Computer Information Systems. After completing one semester there, Mr. Aguilar decided to transfer to South Plains College in Levelland, Tx on January 13, 2020. It is here where Gavino reached out to the Workforce Solutions South Plains office in Lubbock, TX for further educational assistance through the TAA/WIOA programs. Through hard work and dedication, Mr. Aguilar successfully obtained his Associate of Applied Science Degree on 12/16/2021. On 2/1/22, Gavino was hired by Texas Tech University as an IT Support Technician. Mr. Aguilar has stated that the TAA/WIOA program was a “great experience that helped me get through school.” He is very thankful for the assistance. His plans for the future are to learn and grow with his current position. He will continue to gain certifications and experiences that will assist him in the IT world.

Justin Torres
Training: 11/7- 11/30/2022
Hired: 1/9/2023 with Standard Energy as CDL driver.
My name is Justin Torres, and I am from Lubbock, TX. I would like to thank the Workforce South Plains WIOA program to achieve my goal in finding a career…
Justin Torres
My name is Justin Torres, and I am from Lubbock, TX. I would like to thank the Workforce South Plains WIOA program to achieve my goal in finding a career. Without WIOA help, I would have not been given the opportunity to obtain my current job as a truck driver with Standard Energy. As a young dad working at just minimum wage jobs was not allowing me to support my son with necessities. My case manager helped me with the application process, completing the documents and then provided employment job search. WIOA has given me the ability to expand my opportunity and grow in employment. The time they have given me and assisted me on cannot be thanked enough.

Adam Hernandez
Training: 5/23/22- 5/31/2022
Hired: 6/22/2022
My name is Adam Hernandez and I reside in Sundown Texas. I would like to thank Workforce Solutions South Plains for helping me with the application process in obtaining my class A CDL …
Adam Hernandez
My name is Adam Hernandez and I reside in Sundown Texas. I would like to thank Workforce Solutions South Plains for helping me with the application process in obtaining my class A CDL License. I was laid off from Ref Chem in November 2021. Without WIOA help, I would not have been afforded the opportunity to obtain my current job as a truck driver. My case manager, Victoria Roach, helped me with the application process, completing the required documents and then she provided employment job search. WIOA has given me the ability to expand my opportunities and grow in employment. I cannot thank Workforce Solutions enough for the time spent and assistance given to me. Thank you!

Trevor Harris
My name is Trevor Harris and I recently graduated from the WIOA program. In October 2021 …
Trevor Harris
My name is Trevor Harris and I recently graduated from the WIOA program. In October 2021 I was released from TDCJ after serving 4 years in prison. I was eager and hungry to provide a way to support not only myself, but also my family. Before I had been incarcerated, I worked a few different jobs- construction, oilfield, and a few other areas. But I felt now I was at a time in my life that I had to make a decision on what it is I’m going to do. I had heard about the Texas Workforce providing help to receive my CDL license; doubtful it would happen for me, I thought I still have to try. Mrs. Reyes at the Lubbock, Texas Workforce office went above and beyond to help find me a spot in their program. Since I graduated in February 2022, I have received a job driving in the oilfield, making good money to provide for my family with room for growth in that field of work. I strongly encourage anyone who is looking for a career to apply with the WIOA program.

Hector Zamarron
My name is Hector Zamarron and I completed by CDL training with SPC ATDS training school…
Hector Zamarron
My name is Hector Zamarron and I completed by CDL training with SPC ATDS training school. I was recently release from TDCJ after serving 5 years with the state and was looking to better myself for me and my family. I spoke with Ms. Victoria Roach from the Levelland Workforce Solutions office, and she helped me with my WIOA application. She really made the process easy and help with the support services of helping with fuel for me to get to and from school. I started the CDL program on 03/28/22 completed the program on 04/22/22 and got my Class A CDL. I got my first job as a CDL driver with Trans Am and my first day of work was 06/12/22. I am working in what went to training for and enjoying my job which is long haul driving

Savannah Rodriguez
Savannah Rodriguez had already been a retail supervisor and worked in the restaurant industry when she heard about the WIOA Youth Program…
Savannah Rodriguez
Perfect Timing: How a Young Adult Took a Chance with the WIOA Youth Program that Made all the Difference
Savannah Rodriguez had already been a retail supervisor and worked in the restaurant industry when she heard about the WIOA Youth Program. When she came to the youth program, she had been receiving benefits from SNAP and was on unemployment. She was referred to the Youth Program from the receptionist at the Workforce Center. Savannah decided to take a chance to maybe fulfill her dream of being an office manager one day.
At first, Savannah held back on her job preferences with the youth career consultant, mainly naming cooking as her career pathway. But with continued communication with the youth staff, Savannah confided in staff and shared her dream in running an office and helping a business succeed. She was always good at planning and felt her skills were excellent in customer service.
Savannah understood that adding to her skills is key to continued education in the workplace. She knew she could always find work in retail and restaurant on her own, but she would need the help of professionals to take her to the next level. And she simply didn’t have the time to focus on classroom training.
During the spring of 2021, the youth staff developed an Administrative Assistant position for Savannah with White Knights Limousine through a work experience assignment. It was exactly what Savannah had hoped for! The youth program also helped her dress for success with this new company. “I am very grateful and appreciative that I have an office position,” Savannah said. She is excited to take a vacation as soon as the office is fully staffed.