Workforce Solutions South Plains helps young people complete their education in order to find and retain employment.
How Can You Help Me?
Workforce Solutions South Plains helps youth, aged 14-24, prepare for success in the classroom – and on the job. You can receive work-readiness and life skills that will help you achieve YOUR career goals. Funding through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), some of the services we offer include:
- GED or High School Equivalency Preparation
- Alternative Secondary School Services
- Tutoring, Study Skills Training, and Instruction
- Career Counseling
- Leadership Skills Development
- Job Skills Training
- Employment Opportunities and Paid Work Experience*
How Do I Know If I Qualify?
Qualification Criteria
- Do you reside in the Workforce Solutions South Plains 15-county area?
- Are you between the ages 14-24?
- Are you a U.S. Citizen or a non-citizen authorized to work in the United States?
- If you are male aged 18+, are you registered for Military Selective Service?
Priority will be given to youth who fall under at least one of the following categories:
- School dropout
- Basic literacy skills (reading and math) deficient
- Behind grade level
- Pregnant or parenting
- Disabled
- Homeless or runaway
- Foster youth
- Offender
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Career Resources for Youth & Educators
Request a Career Awareness Presentation
Our Workforce Career & Education Outreach Specialist can bring awareness of career possibilities to students in grades 6 through 12 in 3 area school districts: Lubbock-Cooper ISD, Anton ISD, Abernathy ISD, Levelland ISD, and Slaton ISD. We are currently working towards adding ISD’s to this list.
Texas OnCourse
Texas’ definitive source for college and career planning. A great source for college and career preparation.

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Jobs Now
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Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL)
The Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) program provides students with disabilities, aged 14 – 22, with work readiness training and paid work experience. SEAL is a statewide strategy that includes employability skills training and paid work experience for students with disabilities receiving services from Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWC-VR).
What Other Resources Are There For Youth?
Workforce Solutions is not alone in serving the youth in the Suth Plains. On this page, you will find links to other local and online resources.
Finding the Right Job for You
- Targeted Occupations – In-Demand occupations and industries based on Labor Market Information
- Texas Reality Check – Determine how much money you will need to earn in the future to live the way you would like
- My Next Move – Identify and/or explore career options. Search job options by key words, industry or interests
- O’Net Interest Profiler – Helps you to identify possible career options based on your interests
- mySkillsmyFuture – Identify career options based on your previous jobs
- Texas CTE – Search careers options by industry cluster
Applying to College
- KnowHow2Go– Information on how to go to college for Parents and Students
- About the SAT– College Board and The Scholastic Aptitude Test
- About the ACT– College Entrance Exam
- The Common Application– Help completing “common” applications for college
Paying for College
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)– Financial Aid for College
- Scholarship America– College Scholarship Information
Additional Training Programs
- Job Corps– 806.765.5038 – Free education and training program that helps low-income young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job.

How Do I Get Started?
If you are ready to start defining your future, we are here to help. Contact Workforce Solutions South Plains 866-765-5038 and ask for the Youth Program.
Additional Youth Forms
Your Workforce Solutions WIOA Youth Case Manager may periodically ask you for documentation that may not have been available during your in-office appointment. You can use this form to upload up to (6) documents at a time.