Doing Business With Us
Doing Business With Us
Workforce Solutions South Plains routinely issues requests for proposals (RFP), quotes (RFQ), or applications (RFA) to secure contractors to provide operational, administrative, and workforce development services and supplies. We are committed to improving the workforce development system in the 15-county South Plains workforce development region by increasing the availability of quality workforce programs and services.
We maintain a list of potential bidders and if you wish to be included as a vendor on the bidders list, simply complete the Bidder’s Registration Form below.

Bidder Registration
To register as a potential bidder for supplies and services procurements, please complete the form below. If you have questions, please email
Items Frequently Procured:
Adaptive equipment and services for people with disabilities | Automation equipment and services (computers, software) | Graphics Design Services |
Printing Services | Furniture and Office Equipment | Office Supplies |
Management of Childcare Vendors | Management of Workforce Centers | Management of Youth Programs |
Personnel Leasing Agents | Consultants in the areas of Public Relations, Marketing and Advertisement | Janitorial Services |
Internal System Training Services | Services for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA); Adult/Dislocated and Youth Choices; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and Food Stamp Employment and Training | Consultants for services in the areas of: Assessments, Auditing, Marketing, Monitoring, Procurement, Research |
Current Open Procurements
To do business with the Texas Workforce Commission or other workforce board areas, visit:
Workforce Solutions Marketplace
Doing Business with Texas Workforce
Texas Comptroller Electronic State Business Daily