Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Program
The acronym MSFW or Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker is sometimes used to collectively refer to all
agricultural workers.
The Department of Labor classifies MSFW as one of three types of agricultural workers:
- Seasonal Farmworker
- Migrant Farmworker
- Migrant Food Processing Worker
To determine if the agricultural worker meets the DOL definition of MSFW, Workforce Solutions South Plains staff take into consideration the following factors:
- work history or experiences
- earnings
- periods of employment
One of the responsibilities of the Workforce Solutions South Plains Center Staff is to ensure that Migrant
and Seasonal Farmworkers, receive services that are qualitatively equivalent and quantitatively
proportionate to services provided to non-MSFWs.
The first step in complying with the Department of Labor regulations is to correctly identify who is a
Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker.