Board Self Sufficiency Wage Standard

Individuals who are employed, but are not receiving self-sufficiency wages, may be eligible for WIOA Career and Training services.  The Workforce Solutions South Plains Board establishes the self-sufficiency wage levels that will be used to determine eligibility for services.

The Workforce Solutions South Plains self-sufficiency wage (SSW) levels shown in the table below are used to determine whether a WIOA participant’s employment is leading to self-sufficiency.  The SSW levels are based on 85% of the region’s annual median wage for all occupations in all industries which is currently $36, 360.  The annual wage amount is adjusted for household size and capped at 85% of the State Median Income Limit for a household of 4.  Individuals in households with income over the 4-person household level of income shown in the table below are not eligible for WIOA services in the South Plains Board Area.

Current wages earned are used to determine if a participant meets the self-sufficiency wage levels in the workforce area, not the 26-week history of earnings used to determine WIOA low-income eligibility.  Current wages are the hourly, weekly, or monthly earnings at the time of the eligibility determination.

The chart below provides the Self-sufficiency Wage Standard for the South Plains Board Area.   


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The Workforce Solutions South Plains Lubbock office is moving to a new location. On July 2, 2018 Workforce Solutions Lubbock Workforce, Childcare, and Youth Services will move to 2002 West Loop 289 Suite 117 inside the Wayland Plaza.

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