Jobs Yall'

Your Career.  Your Story.

Explore the new Jobs Y’all website from the Texas Workforce Commission.

The Jobs Y’all career exploration campaign and website launched in 2018 to raise awareness about the opportunities and benefits of Texas industries, to inspire and attract young Texans to explore careers, and understand the education and training needed to best position themselves for where the jobs will be when they enter the workforce.

Some of these resources include:

  • Information on the top eight fastest growing Texas industries
  • A Career Explorer app to learn about high-wage, high-growth career opportunities
  • Career Success Stories from young professionals
  • Information on where to locate activities, events and tours happening statewide
  • Links to other career exploration websites including Texas Career Check, Texas Reality Check, the Texas Internship Challenge        and Texas OnCourse
  • Links to industry and employer resources to learn more about specific opportunities and organizations


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We're Moving!

The Workforce Solutions South Plains Lubbock office is moving to a new location. On July 2, 2018 Workforce Solutions Lubbock Workforce, Childcare, and Youth Services will move to 2002 West Loop 289 Suite 117 inside the Wayland Plaza.

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