Employee Training Grants

Through this project, Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) federal funds are available to fund training that contributes to career advancement, job retention, job security or skills attainment for incumbent workers.  Training must prepare employees with the skills necessary to earn industry-recognized skills certifications that are recognized statewide or nationally.  The training requested should go beyond training the employee has already received or training that the employer normally provides.

An employer’s current workers are eligible to participate if they are over the age of 18, are authorized to work in the U.S., and are registered for selective service, if male.  Documentation may include, for example, a state-issued ID card in combination with a birth certificate or passport or a combination of driver’s license and social security card.  Prior to training, Workforce Solutions staff will meet with each participant to view original documents and obtain copies of documentation along with a signed participant information form.

Click the link to view the full description for eligibility.

2023 Employee Training Grant Flyer

2023 Employee Training Grant Project Description

Employee Training Grant Project Summary


Employers are asked to complete the attached application for funding and to provide a brief statement of need documenting how the training will benefit the business.  We’ll also need a brief description of the training, the name and job title of each participating employee, the date(s) the training will be held, and a description of how the training will contribute to the workers’ career advancement, job retention, job security or skills attainment.  In addition, we’ll ask for each trainee’s wages before and after attaining the certification and for a budget outlining the costs of the training.  Once an application is approved, employers will be asked to enter into a signed contractual agreement committing to provide the proposed training.


Upon receipt of a request from an employer for funding, the request will be reviewed to determine if the training plan meets the criteria described below.  If the request meets the criteria and scores a minimum of 85 points based on the scoring rubric below, funding will be awarded on a first-come/first-served basis.  In the event that more requests are received than can be funded with available funds at the same time, the following rubric will be used to score and rank applications.  A determination of eligibility for funding will be made and provided to the employer within 10 working days.


 Program Design

Is the training viable and eligible for funding based on Training Program Criteria and the employer’s statement of need?


 Reasonableness and Allowability of Cost

To what extent is cost of services being requested and the cost of related supplies, books and other curriculum materials reasonable and allowable?



Will the project be completed within the allowable timeframe?


Employer Cost-sharing

To what extent will the employer contribute to the cost of training?


To apply, click the link below and complete the application.

2023 Employee Training Grant Application

Submit your registration form to Workforce Solutions South Plains, ATTN: Business Services, 2002 W Loop 289, Suite 117; Lubbock, Texas 79407. For questions, please call (806) 765-5038.

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The Workforce Solutions South Plains Lubbock office is moving to a new location. On July 2, 2018 Workforce Solutions Lubbock Workforce, Childcare, and Youth Services will move to 2002 West Loop 289 Suite 117 inside the Wayland Plaza.

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