Conestoga Energy Hiring Event

Conestoga Energy will be holding a hiring event in our Lubbock workforce center on Friday, July 28 from 9am to 1pm. They will be holding on-site interviews with plant officials, so come dressed for success!

Below are the job order numbers and positions they are hiring. Visit and search each number for more information on the position and to apply.

  • 16079100 – Grain Operator
  • 16079250 – RO Operator
  • 16079544 – Industrial Lab Technician
  • 16079276 – Instrumentation & Electrical Tech

If you need resume assistance, contact a Workforce Specialist at our workforce center at 2002 W. Loop 289, Suite 117, Lubbock, TX 79407 or call (866) 765-5038 to find the center closest to you!

Workforce Solutions South Plains is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs. Program auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TDD); and 711 (Voice); or Relay Texas Spanish 800-735-2989 (TDD). Workforce Solutions programs and projects are funded in whole or in part by federal fund. This document contains vital information about requirements, rights, determinations, and/or responsibilities for accessing workforce system services. Language services, including the interpretation/translation of this document, are available free of charge upon request. Este documentocontieneinformaciónimportantesobrelosrequisitos, los derechos, las determinaciones y las responsabilidades del acceso a losservicios del sistema de la fuerzalaboral. Hay disponiblesservicios de idioma, incluida la interpretación y la traducción de documentos, sin ningúncosto y a solicitud.


Jul 28 2023


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


Lubbock Workforce Center
2002 W Loop 289, Ste 117 Lubbock, TX 79407

We're Moving!

The Workforce Solutions South Plains Lubbock office is moving to a new location. On July 2, 2018 Workforce Solutions Lubbock Workforce, Childcare, and Youth Services will move to 2002 West Loop 289 Suite 117 inside the Wayland Plaza.

For More Information